I have personally had the opportunity to observe Lisa Halpin's psychic abilities in action.  She is not only very gifted, but also has an exceptional ability to help others bring out their psychic gifts.
         Michael Hathaway, author of "Everything Psychic" (Adams Media, 2003)

Just a few words about Lisa Halpin and her Psychic Boot Camp class; if you ever have the opportunity to experience her course, grab it!   I was fortunate enough to attend a three day seminar that put all my concerns, doubts and questions into perspective. Have you have ever wondered about why you have certain thoughts or feelings about something or someone but don't know where they come from?  Have you ever had dreams that were prophetic, or have just known what is about to happen before it does?   Well, I have always experienced these things to some degree and questioned whether or not it was wishful thinking, or imagination or something really strange going on. If it was real, I wanted to explore it. I wanted answers, and to learn how to become more proficient at it. Well, Lisa is the real deal.   Her teachings were a blend of both scientific and intuitive awareness. She broke down the information to where it all made sense. I came to trust my feelings, to understand the difference between imagination and information. She taught many different techniques of meditation, psychic development and the importance of gratitude and intention. Her class was fun and encouraging. I completed the class with an awareness and awe of my own psychic ability. It never ceases to amaze me and humble me at the same time. If you are searching for a psychic development course or are just curious, Lisa's class is the best one around. Having been a student of the late Sylvia Brown, Lisa certainly brings with her a wealth of knowledge and insight. Go for it, you won't be disappointed.
         -- Debra Mix

Dr. Lisa's psychic power and insight is a wonderful blend of her spirituality and wisdom.  She is a professional teacher who shares all with love and grace. As my mentor, she changed my life for the better.
         -- Janis K.  Hypnotherapist, Reiki Master

When I met Lisa,  I immediately felt she was my mentor.  And, my mentor she is ... for learning about my Cherokee heritage, my spirituality, and my psychic abilities.  Lisa offered a "Psychic Class" to a small number of hand picked people, as a weekly exploration of our gifts.  Lisa helped us to discover and expand those gifts ... I learned so much that I feel I could write a book, and I regularly use and rely upon my psychic abilities.  A most profound psychic experience for me, was the reconnection with my Mother (from the Other Side).  Mother appears in physical life to me in "roses" ... when I need direction or want assurance that I am on the right path, I look for roses and find them.  Lisa helps me to communicate with Mom and helps me to understand when I question what has transpired.  I would be lost without her as I have not learned to "receive" direct info information from the Other Side,... yet.
            -- Donnis Hiskett

"Lisa's readings have had a profoundly positive and permanent effect on my life.  The information she has given me has been worth its weight in gold."          
        -- M.R.G.

Lisa demonstrates a psychic ability that is quite astounding.  One evening, she was able to contact my mother, who passed away 2 years earlier.  During the encounter Lisa was able to relay information about my mom that she could not possibly have known.  At the point when Lisa contacted my mom, the first words that Lisa said were that my mom was "asking about my sister's breathing".  This was quite astounding to my wife and I since my mother was always concerned about her asthma as well as my sister's.  Additionally, my mother could never stand the smell of perfume or flowers when she was alive.  My mother informed Lisa during this contact that "she could smell flowers and it doesn't bother her now".  During the evening Lisa also made contact with my dad and other family members revealing accurate statements that validated her abilities.  This is a very great gift that Lisa has and we both were quite astounded at the accuracy of the information we received.
        Richard and Rexine Vest

"I am continually amazed at the accuracy and depth of information that Lisa receives during psychic consultations.  She consistently shares unusual and intimate details during a reading, which, for me, is a true measure of her incredible psychic abilities." 
        -- SSJ

Psychic abilities are much like unused muscles -- we all have them but we may not know how to use them.  We can greatly benefit from a trainer to help us stretch and strengthen ourselves.  Dr. Lisa explains and teaches personal psychic abilities such as psychometry,  personal readings, telepathy, health scans, and dowsing in easy to understand terms.  Dr. Lisa taught how these abilities can improve my everyday life. Dr. Lisa guided us through exercises to develop and strengthen my own innate psychic abilities. I have been able to use my psychic abilities for many practical things, including to choose an excellent used vehicle by "reading" the car, and "reading" employers for if they are telling me the truth and will the position be a good fit for me.  
        Suzan M. Strain.

"Taking Dr. Lisa's psychic course was one of the smartest things I've ever done for myself.  I learned and still practice various ways to strengthen my own psychic abilities, and maybe for the first time in my life, I really DON'T think I'm crazy!"          -- Julia G.

Lisa had been a friend of ours through our Native connection, and my wife Donnis was also part of a class Lisa taught for people working on their psychic abilities. Donnis would tell me how exciting the classes were and how she felt like a novice just learning about the powers she's had all this time but was now learning how to access them and use them.  She was getting a lot of messages from her deceased mother and Lisa was helping her interpret them and aiding in the communication process.  One night when Lisa came over to dinner, I asked Lisa if she could contact my friend Mark (who had died in Vietnam). I was very curious how he was. Lisa looked at me a few seconds and paused, closed her eyes and then began making contact. I won't bore you with all the details, but it turns out that Mark has been my watching over me all this time.  I was surprised and not surprised all at once. Everything fell into place for me about Mark. I know now that he is there watching over me as I've prayed over him. I thought that I was like a cat with 9+ lives but I know that Mark has been a protector for me. Even as I write these words, Mark is there and I feel him.  Lisa did that for me, and I will forever be grateful. Two years ago, our friend Theresa, lost her oldest boy, Nate, at 21, to a motorcycle accident.  We've also had Lisa contact Nate and let us know how he is.  Lisa has opened many doors for us and will continue to be our mentor and friend in this Journey we're on. Perhaps we are all connected in this life and beyond and Lisa is our hotline to each other.
        Larry Hiskett
        Washboard Willy 

When I signed up for Psi Bootcamp, my intention was to sharpen my intuition. I wanted to be able to pay more attention to the messages I was receiving during my days and in my dreams so I could understand myself and serve my clients better. 
I got that and a whole lot more! I had no idea there was so much psychic stuff to learn and was amazed at how much Lisa was able to cover in just one weekend! Lisa Halpin is a dynamic, fun, talented professional and passionate teacher with a depth of knowledge and breadth of experience that completely blew me away. Psi Bootcamp was the catalyst for devloping my skills and self-confidence while fine tuning my psychic antennae and opening up the door to a practical, new way of experiencing the energy that is all around us. Wherever you are in your psychic development, Lisa's Psi Bootcamp is for you!
~Trisha Jacobson
Author, Speaker, Coach
Transition On Purpose Coaching
Eaton, NH

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PSI BootcampTM
Psychic Skills & Intuition Development
with Lisa Halpin